maandag 7 juli 2014


Uit de heel oude doos...

Ford Big Job - HD

Ladder Magirus 1

Ladder Magirus 2

Ladder Magirus 3 met Kpt-Cdt Baudoin tijdens de voorstelling in 1967

Foto's Erfgoedbank gemeente Mol

vrijdag 4 juli 2014

Jef, mijn leermeester, mijn vriend,...Waar ben je nu weer aan begonnen ?

Balen, first of July, 2014

His Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Tahni

Your Highness,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

I would like to ask you to consider the following proposal, knowing your interest concerning contemporay art. As history is a pillar of the economy and art plays a very important role in this, I think this global given is best perceived in local entities.

From the late ‘50s until now I have built an archive of my artistic activities. Enclosed you may find a selection of photos of my work.

With the foundation “KODEC” I would like to build an information and study centre in my village in service of future generations.

I live in a small village but I am convinced the immediate environment and culture are ideal conditions to approach other cultures respectfully.

Allow me to suggest you a proposal: I would give my entire archive to you and in exchange I would like to ask for your knowhow and technical and financial support in constructing this centre. The archive remains in Balen and will be accessible for all to see, but would be yours.

I have the honor to remain, Sir, Your Majesty’s most humble and obedient subject

Jef Geys

PS: try to acquire the highly interesting collection of Eric Fabre